LYT 14 Introduction

LYT 14 Workshop Introduction with my LYT journey, PKM thinking, app linking, WarrenWeb sharing, and Obsidian vault remodeling.

LYT 14 Introduction
Photo by Mike Labrum / Unsplash

I'm so fortunate to participate in another Linking Your Thinking (LYT) Workshop (LYT 14) from Sep 16–Oct 15, 2024. This is my Introduction post that I shared on the Circle community platform with my cohort members during our onboarding experience.

LYT Journey

I'm Doug Warren, software architect, developer, editor, and blogger in Lago Vista, Texas. I began my LYT journey with immersion in Workshop 11 and active participation in LYT 12 and 13, as well as the WOW Workshop. Each one has been absolutely fantastic and I enjoy engaging with this wonderful community.

Thinking: PKM system

My PKM system has developed, evolved, and matured with each iteration, shifting like ARC ideation workflow: Add (LYT 11), Relate (LYT 12), Communicate (LYT 13), and Creators Codex writing process (WOW).

Linking: App integration

Throughout that time, I have been very focused on Obsidian Integration with the primary apps in my PKM environment: Arc Browser, Reader, Drafts, OmniFocus, Fantastical, and DEVONthink using support apps, linking, shortcuts, templates, scripts, and APIs.

Sharing: WarrenWeb

Recently, I have migrated my website and blog from Wordpress to the Ghost publishing platform, and also established another Obsidian vault as a digital garden via Obsidian Publish.

Vault remodeling

As my main Obsidian vault has now grown to almost 8,000 notes, I am currently deep into a remodeling effort to revisit everything with my folders, tags, properties, fields, templates, views, scripts, workflows, and practices. Now this is more important as I extend my private Ideaverse into a digital garden (WarrenWeb Notes) to complement my Ghost website, blog, and newsletter.


I wish I had discovered all that I have learned through LYT, PKM, and Obsidian many years earlier. However, it's never too late, and I love thinking, linking, and sharing. I think it's finally coming together so I can share my ideas, discoveries, and insights with others. I'm looking forward to another outstanding workshop.