Creator's Codex

I have a writing process based on the Creator's Codex from the Writing Original Works (WOW) workshop.
Nick Milo developed the WOW Creator's Codex for a reliable writing process to share linked notes. The codex book format for manuscripts replaced earlier scrolls; they were groups of folded hand-written sheets from papyrus or parchment bound together on one edge that offered random access rather than sequential reading with scrolls.
My LYT Pipeline includes Obsidian and other apps, tools, and websites using the ARC ideation workflow (Add, Relate, Communicate) to support thinking and linking in my PKM system and sharing via WarrenWeb Notes and Ghost website.
In the Add phase of my workflow, I capture information and create notes in my Obsidian Ideaverse Add inbox (`+`) with my ideas from sparks and thoughts.
I use Arc Browser, Drafts, and Reader to identify topics and links related to my efforts and interests using WOW techniques to Notice and Explore.
During the Relate phase, my notes are developed further using LYT methods for thinking and linking throughout the idea emergence process with my efforts.
I use WOW techniques for Prompting and Planning that help my writing as I develop these notes and link them to related ideas and information. Maps help me gather, cluster, outline, structure, and link related notes and maps.
Additional WOW techniques for Drafting and Crafting help me enhance my notes, knowledge, and connections further as they evolve and mature.
In my writing workflow, I identify outputs to share from my efforts and move content from my private Ideaverse vault to my WarrenWeb Notes digital garden that I want to publish via Obsidian Publish and the Ghost publishing platform.
During this Communicate phase, I use WOW techniques to Shape and Share to refine these notes in my WarrenWeb vault. I can shape those linked notes further based on how I want them shared in my WarrenWeb Notes digital garden that is available to my Plus subscribers.
This digital garden approach allows me to Lower the Bar and Send to Self so I can evaluate my linked notes in a focused environment as I want them to appear on my published website. After some more work, I might select some for publishing to share these works in progress with my Plus subscribers on WarrenWeb Notes (Send to Friend).
I am exploring Forcing Functions with specific cadences. During a recent LYT Gong, I published daily posts on my Ghost website. This allowed me to gain more experience with my workflow, and I started publishing my WarrenWeb newsletter to subscribers.
I expect that my newsletter will probably have a weekly cycle, and extra Plus content such as shortcuts, templates, scripts, queries, etc. might possibly have a monthly release frequency.