LYT - Linking Your Thinking
Nick Milo is the founder of Linking Your Thinking (LYT) and creator of the LYT Workshop, Ideaverse for Obsidian, Obsidian Flight School, How to Work a Book, videos, newsletters, and presentations.
- Linking Your Thinking (LYT)
Obsidian is a fantastic cross-platform app for making and linking your notes. It will enable you to create a personal PKM system to capture, organize, and share your ideas, thoughts, and knowledge.
- 🗿Download Obsidian app
Ideaverse for Obsidian
Ideaverse for Obsidian is a space--and system--for linked digital notes. Download the zip file and open it as a new vault in Obsidian. It has 300+ notes that are linked 1000+ times. You can use this to jumpstart your own personal PKM system, which you can then use as a foundation if you choose to join a LYT Workshop.
- ✨ Download Ideaverse for Obsidian
Obsidian for Beginners
Learn the basics of Obsidian for Markdown notes.
Obsidian Flight School
Enhance your Obsidian skills to enable making and linking notes at the speed of thought.
LYT Workshop
Join a LYT Workshop to build your custom PKM system an immersive experience with its interactive sessions with Nick Milo and other experts, hands-on exercises, extensive curriculum, and supportive community.
Ideaverse for Obsidian is based on these key Linking Your Thinking frameworks for organization and workflow.
Explore more about personal knowledge management (PKM).
- PKM - Personal Knowledge Management
These additional resources are available, if you want to explore further.
- 📖 Read about Nick's PKM Story (Medium)
- 🎬 Learn Obsidian: Obsidian for Beginners
- 🚀 Master Obsidian: Obsidian Flight School 2.5
- 🗺 Master Knowledge: LYT Workshop
- 📚 Master Reading: How to Work a Book
Subscribe for more information.
- 🔆 LYT Notes Newsletter - Free weekly creative productivity insight (every Friday)
- 📺 YouTube Channel - Videos (@linkingyourthinking)
- X (Twitter) Message: @NickMilo
- 📩 Email: [email protected]