LYT Workshop

LYT Workshop
Photo by Jamie Street / Unsplash

The LYT Workshop includes Zoom sessions, hands-on exercises, a detailed curriculum, and a supportive community on Circle.


The 5-week LYT Workshop curriculum focuses on these topics.

LYT Curriculum
  1. Idea Emergence: PKM Planet, Linked Notes
  2. Growing Value: Note-making, Fluid thinking
  3. Accelerating Ideas: Map-making, Efforts, Navigation
  4. Your Custom PKM System: Home, Library, Folders, Tags, Queries
  5. Processing Newness: Sparks, Ideas, Sensemaking, Workflows
  6. Sharing: What, Where, How, Why

See the Linking Your Thinking website for more information about the LYT Workshop and curriculum.

My Experience

I participated in the LYT Journey during 2023 in 3 Linking Your Thinking (LYT) Workshops with Nick Milo. I joined LYT Workshop 11 in early summer, LYT 12 in October, LYT 13 in January 2024.

I actively participated in Knowledge Accelerator for 2024, completed Writing Original Works (WOW) Workshop in May, LYT Workshop 14 (Sep–Oct), and Notemaking Mastery in Nov. I'm currently involved with LYT Workshop 15 (Feb 2025), and will continue in Knowledge Accelerator throughout 2025.

I love these workshops. These have all been truly unique special experiences for me: creative, transformational, and magical…