Ideaverse for Obsidian

Ideaverse for Obsidian is a space—and system—for linked digital notes. Open it in Obsidian. It has 300+ notes that are linked 1000+ times. It's a starter kit to manage your whole life.

Get Ideaverse for Obsidian and a professional-grade email course on how to use it (both free). Join 74,000 people and unlock the power of linking your thinking.

Learn how to use the ACE framework for organization and orienting your mind. Understand the ARC framework with a workflow system for allocating your energy across four intensities of efforts. Think better by linking and customize your own ideaverse.


Watch the Ideaverse for Obsidian playlist from Nick Milo; all 7 videos (1 hr 24 min total) are available here.

Get Started

Now it's time to download, learn, explore, and start linking your thinking.

  • Learn more with the free 6-part LYT email course.
  • Ideaverse for Obsidian - Download, install, and get started.
  • Explore Ideaverse, ACE, ARC, home, maps, notes, efforts, workflow