ACE Organization

ACE Organization
Photo by Giacomo Carra / Unsplash

My main Obsidian vault (Ideaverse) uses the ACE organization framework from Nick Milo and Linking Your Thinking (LYT). I'm also adapting that for a new digital garden vault that I publish as WarrenWeb Notes using Obsidian Publish.

The ACE framework organizes a PKM system with these major folder spaces. I also use ACE as a consistent organization framework for other apps: Finder (macOS file system), Arc Browser (spaces & tab folders), OmniFocus (action lists, efforts & projects), DEVONthink (groups), and Shortcuts (prefixed folders).

+ (Add inbox)

I add new notes and information to my vault in the + (Add inbox) folder.

Atlas (knowledge)

Notes with my ideas, information, and knowledge belong in the Atlas folder. This also includes maps, views, apps, sources, and people.

Calendar (time)

Notes that are time-based such as periodic notes, journals, and logs belong under the Calendar folder.

Efforts (action)

Notes that are action-oriented such as efforts, projects, areas, interests, resources, and outputs belong in the Efforts folder.

x (Extra)

Extra support resources are contained within the x (Extra) folder. This includes templates, scripts, CSS snippets, images, PDFs, etc.


I'm reviewing each major space to assess how I want to use my PKM folders. It uses folders to provide sufficient structure without imposing artificial constraints from earlier nested hierarchies.

I like this organization approach for the linked notes in the Obsidian vaults of my PKM system. I know where notes belong based on inbox, knowledge, time, action, and extra.

Focusing on folders is just the beginning of a general vault remodel effort. I still need to cover notes, maps, templates, views, metadata, tags, workflow, and practices. That will keep me busy for a while.

See the LYT ARC framework for more about ideation workflow.