ACE Organization for Publishing Notes

Thinking in Obsidian notes, linking with Arc Browser and Obsidian, and sharing with Ghost and Obsidian Publish.

ACE Organization for Publishing Notes
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash
Beware that when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster.

— Nietzsche

I have been thinking about how I can publish ideas and knowledge to share my notes to benefit more people. I have enjoyed developing notes in my PKM using Obsidian using what have I have learned in Linking Your Thinking (LYT) and WOW Workshops. Also, I have been able to participate actively with the LYT Community on Circle with exercises, posts, and showcases; this have enabled me to share my ideas and discoveries for others also interested in thinking, linking, and sharing.


As my PKM system has developed and evolved over the past few years based on Ideaverse for Obsidian, I have become better at making notes and maps and very creative as I learn more, link more, and develop solutions that help my workflow and practices. Especially since the WOW Workshop, I have been focusing on how to improve my writing workflow for sharing with a broader audience.

Ghost Migration

Recently, I decided to migrate from my traditional Wordpress website to a new Ghost website, and I have established an initial foundation with linked pages in sections on PKM, Technology, and Interests. Recently, I have begun publishing my daily LYT Gong posts on my Ghost website (as well as Circle) to gain more experience with this publishing platform for my writing. Also, these posts are automatically included in my WarrenWeb newsletter for subscribers.

WarrenWeb Notes

I have now established a separate Obsidian vault for notes that I publish on an Obsidian Publish website for WarrenWeb Notes. Soon I plan to include access to this password-protected website to my Plus subscribers. I suppose this might be considered my digital garden, or mind garden. I will provide more information about my initial experiences with Obsidian Publish tomorrow.

ACE Organization

The ACE-x framework provided by Nick Milo organizes our PKM system in folders for separate spaces for Atlas (knowledge), Calendar (time), and Efforts (actions); also, a + (Plus) folder serves as an Inbox for new notes, and X folder for metadata support like images, PDFs, and templates.

I use this same approach to organize information in Arc Browser, OmniFocus, DEVONthink, and Shortcuts. Also, I use it for my WarrenWeb website on Ghost, and now my new WarrenWeb Notes website on Obsidian Publish.

I use linked pages as the foundation for my knowledge, posts provide a time-based stream of information for my website and newsletter (with links to pages and other posts), and notes reflect what I'm currently doing with my efforts. I have also structured my website sections around PKM, Technology, and Interests based on my ideas, knowledge, and efforts.

Plus Subscription

Please subscribe to my WarrenWeb website and newsletter with a Plus membership subscription. It's available for $5/month or $50/year at a 17% discount with a 30-day free trial via Stripe.

That will provide online access to Obsidian notes under development while I'm thinking, linking, and sharing in my WarrenWeb Notes digital garden. This subscription will also include shortcuts, scripts, templates, queries, and more that I have developed; these have helped me a lot, and I know they can benefit others too.