Publishing WarrenWeb Notes

Obsidian Publish delivers WarrenWeb Notes digital garden to Plus subscribers.

Publishing WarrenWeb Notes
Photo by Bryan Dickerson / Unsplash
For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations for nature cannot be fooled.

— Richard Feynman

This quote reminds me that you can't fool Mother Nature. I agree that any successful technology must be based on practical reality that helps you, and the proof is in the pudding. You don't just talk about it, but you offer tips, techniques, and examples that actually work so that it benefits others. Today, I'm writing about my initial experiences using Obsidian Publish.

Obsidian Publish is a cloud-based hosting service that lets you publish your notes as a wiki, knowledge base, documentation, or digital garden. This service enables you to publish your web of ideas and knowledge as linked notes to share online with others.

Publishing Workflow

My publishing workflow includes my LYT Pipeline that integrates multiple apps and tools across the ARC idea emergence process that I learned during LYT Workshops.

I capture, create, link, map, and develop my ideas and notes within my private Ideaverse vault.

When I'm ready to share my ideas, I move selected notes to my WarrenWeb digital garden vault where I use my Creator's Codex writing process that I developed in the WOW Workshop.

Finally, I use Obsidian Publish and the Ghost publishing platform to deliver my content to subscribers, and announce new content via social media platforms.


It takes a while for others to find a new website, so I am now starting to post on X/Twitter to help get others to check out my website. Currently, I’m still the only member so I guess it’s all Send to Self for all the website pages, posts, and newsletter. Anyway, it allow me to see what will be delivered to others when they do start arriving.

I also need to notify almost 500 followers on my original Wordpress site, as well as other social media platforms (X, Mastodon, Threads, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, etc.). So far, they’re still visiting my earlier site, and are probably not aware of my new and refactored content on Ghost.

More coming...

I have started creating additional linked notes on Obsidian Publish that will provide much more information about what it does, how it works, what options are available, and how I use it. As these notes evolve, I will follow the same process, first adding them to my digital garden, and eventually as Ghost website pages.