Writing 201: Poetry - Fog
Assignment #5 has a word prompt of Fog to be written in the form of a Elegy using the device of metaphor. Here is my poem:
Watching the fog lift from the lake takes me back to when my dad died.
First, heavy and thick. Then it becomes clear again.
Brain got clogged after fall. Losing memory with strange behavior.
Love lasts… Long life… Gone. Great father. I will miss him.
It thought it would be interesting to learn more about poetry, so I am taking the Writing 201: Poetry course over the last two weeks of February.
This was a tough one to do. It was really hard to try to match the elegiac couplet rhythm, and also weave in a metaphor with an elegy. But I think I got pretty close. And it was nice to think about my father again after losing him at age 93 almost two years ago.
Let me know what you think, and comments are appreciated.