Ghost Website Map
Developing Obsidian map for Ghost website.

Anxiety's like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn't get you very far.
— Jodi Picoult
Wow, how time flies! Yesterday was my 79th birthday, and today is my 57th anniversary. We need to make the most of each day since there are fewer of them and they seem to go quicker.
Ghost Migration
I'm currently migrating from Wordpress to Ghost for my website, blog, and newsletter. So I am focusing on those activities for my daily LYT Gong posts in the LYT Community on Circle.
Initially, I migrated about 250 linked pages to Ghost on topics in sections on PKM/LYT, Technology (Arc Browser, Drafts, Obsidian, Actions for Obsidian, OmniFocus, Shortcuts, Swift), Music, Photos, Travel, Writing, Health, Genealogy, and About.
Obsidian Notes
I'm also creating another vault with notes for Obsidian Publish to complement my website pages and blog posts. I think this will be a good intermediate vehicle to get content published much sooner after creation, while I refine it further and eventually integrate it into my Ghost website.
So today, I gathered a list of all these Ghost website pages to see what I currently have. I created a map in Obsidian, and I used LYT techniques to cluster and organize this list of pages. This was a very helpful process already.
Also, I'm using Obsidian Outline and Local Graph views to visualize my Ghost website structure and content organization to see how I might make improvements.
Ghost Pages
My website, blog, and newsletter are available here on WarrenWeb. Currently, it has about 250 linked pages, especially about PKM/LYT, Arc Browser, Drafts, Music, Photos, and Writing. I have tried to decompose my content into smaller bite-size chunks that can be reused in many ways in various contexts with lots of linking.
I wanted to get a foundation in place before starting a stream of blog posts about topics so they can reference pages as appropriate. So currently, there’s only a single Welcome post that provides an overview of the website. I have converted many earlier posts from Wordpress into pages for Ghost for a better infrastructure that can evolve more easily.
Basic access to the website and blog is free, but I also have a Plus subscription membership with full access, extra content, and downloads. This will include commenting capability, as well as Apple shortcuts, Obsidian templates, Templater scripts, Dataview queries, etc. Subscribe for $5/month (or $50/year - 17% discount) with a 30-day free free trial.
I would certainly appreciate any feedback or suggestions.