Drafts - macOS Window
The main Drafts window has three basic areas.
- Draft List (left pane) – Show/Hide:
- Editor (middle pane)
- Tag Entry (top of Editor) – Show:
⌘ T
/ Hide:⇧ ⌘ T
- Main content entry area (usually Markdown)
- Action Bar (bottom of Editor) – Action group assigned to workspace
- Editor Options (very bottom of Editor) – syntax, pin, info, versions, log, arrange, link, preferences, chars / words
- Tag Entry (top of Editor) – Show:
- Action List (right pane) – Show/Hide:
⌘ 0
On macOS, Drafts also has an app window Toolbar, which you can toggle to show or hide with a hotkey ⌥ ⌘ T
. It offers quick access to navigate & filter, create, dictate, flag, tag, or move drafts, as well as access a command palette, quick search, and preview.
macOS Screenshot

These videos by Davis Sparks (MacSparky) are a great overview of Drafts on macOS, as well as enhancements for version 5 on iOS (including Siri voice dictation).
Drafts for Mac Introduction
David Sparks (MacSparky) – 10 min
What’s New for Drafts 5 (iOS)
David Sparks (MacSparky) – 7 min
See demo of Siri integration for voice dictation from 4:00–5:19.