React - PERSIST: I will Write Entries in my Curiosity Log for 5 Days
Original pact
I will Write Entries in my Curiosity Log for 5 days.
External signals
What are some factual metrics of success or practical challenges around your pact?
- Obsidian Curiosity Day Log template aligned with OmniFocus routines with active links.
- I record all my diabetes log events for the entire day (glucose, insulin, carbs, meals, activity, and alerts).
- Capture shortcut generates the appropriate log events for thoughts, feelings, questions, and actions.
- I include reflections at least after morning meditation, focus sessions, and day (or week) reviews.
Internal signals
What are your current emotions, motivations, and beliefs around your pact?
- I'm feeling very happy with the results of my experiment so far, and want to extend it for another week.
- It has really helped me reorient my daily routines, and switched the focus to have Obsidian notes driving my OmniFocus routines and actions (rather than vice versa).
- I resumed my morning meditations last week (after having the flu for several weeks), and want to continue that practice this week.
Whether you decided to persist, pivot, or pause and why, and your next pact.
- I decided to persist with my current pact from last week's trial because it went so well.
- I will continue that same focus, although I will tweak the details in my Day Log, template, and shortcuts based on new discoveries.