Arc Spaces
Spaces are distinct browsing areas in the Arc browser. They create separate contexts, each with its own Pinned and Unpinned sections for tabs (links), Theme and Icon, and Favorites.
They’re perfect for grouping tabs and files related to big areas (or efforts) in your life. If you’re like me, it can help to address your current tab (and bookmark) nightmare in the Internet environment.
Setting Up Spaces
If you want to explore Spaces (and Profiles), then this 12-minute video shows how to exploit its features. It’s really amazing what you can do with spaces, as I have discovered with my LYT Spaces. You will be glad you watched it.
Multiple Spaces
You can create separate Work and Personal spaces, each with their own unique icon (or emoji), color, or profile (if you want more than the Default).
It can be helpful to use separate spaces for Hobbies, Music, Genealogy, or Focus. You might want unique spaces for active (On) Efforts, like the LYT Workshop, or even key GTD projects.
It’s easy to switch between spaces with either bottom icon or two-finger trackpad swipe in Sidebar, Control-Space [number] hotkey, or Command-T to open Arc Search and type the space name.
Unique Profiles
You can assign unique Profiles to your spaces if you want to keep separate ones from the Default, each with their own history, saved passwords, extensions, and browser data.
LYT Spaces
It’s a fantastic tool for the Add phase of the LYT ARC workflow framework, but can also help with Relate and Communicate; its folders can be aligned with the LYT ACE organization structure as well as with spaces for Atlas, Calendar, and Efforts.
See these articles on the Arc Resources website.