Arc Sidebar

The Arc sidebar has many features that make it easy to collect, cluster, and relate your links (tabs).

Each space has its own unique sidebar with several sections. Tabs (and notes or Easels) are initially opened in the Unpinned section at the bottom after the divider, which starts with a ➕ New Tab button.

Also, there’s an icon in the upper left that allows you to collapse or expand the sidebar (similar to that function in Obsidian for your vault). This is useful when you want to focus on just the current tab (without seeing all the other tabs, like in Chrome or Safari).

Unpinned (Active Tabs)

You might think of the Unpinned section as “Today”, although you can adjust its auto-archive frequency – the default is after 12 hours, but you can change this to 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days based on your preference. This gives you a fresh start and keeps your sidebar tidy; of course, it’s always available by Search or in Archive Library.

Pinned (Bookmarks)

You can drag tabs (or folders) into the Pinned section if you want to do more with that tab, or keep these pinned tabs around like “bookmarks” for further use.


Your favorites are at the top of the sidebar. You can just drag any tab there, if you access it frequently from that space; you might think of this as your “bookmark bar” for this space (but each space can have unique favorites).

Space Icons

At the bottom you’ll find icons (or emojis) for your spaces, along with Library on the left and a big Plus  button to create a new tab, folder, space, easel, note, or boost.