Arc Instant Links

What if you could just tell your browser exactly what you wanted, and it understood you? Well, Arc Instant Links provides a glimpse into the future of what browsing the web might look like.

Folder of ...

Turn on the new Instant Links feature with Arc > Settings > Arc Max > Instant Links, and let Arc browse for you.

  • Press Shift + Enter after entering a web search into Command-T, which instantly opens the top result.
  • You can also search multiple queries - try experimenting with your searches.
  • To create a folder of tabs, use "Folder of" before your search query; for example, "Folder of the cutest cat breeds"

Cutest Cat Breeds (Example)

Try this:

  • Press CMD +
  • Enter this search: Folder of the cutest cat breeds
  • Press Shift + Enter
  • Arc will search the web and immediately open the top results with the web page from the SprucePets site.
  • But it also automatically creates a tab folder in your sidebar with the name "Cutest Cat Breeds" that will contain these 5 tabs.
Instant Links Folder - Cutest Cat Breeds