Writing 201: Poetry - Hero

Assignment #6 has a word prompt of a Hero(ine) to be written in the form of a ballad using the device of anaphora/epistrophe.

Superman was extremely popular when I was growing up in the 1950’s. Here’s the introduction to the Adventures of Superman TV show which I watched all the time (58 sec).

 This was the famous shield that he wore on his chest, along with the opening words to the TV show.

Superman shield
Faster than a speeding bullet!
More powerful than a locomotive!
Able to leap tall buildings at a single bound!

Look! Up in the sky!
It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s Superman!

Mild-mannered reporter for the Daily Planet is really the greatest superhero of them all who “fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American way!”

As a kid, I loved Superman on TV. He could do anything, which really impressed me. So I made a cape from a white towel and colored in a big red “S” on it to make it official. Then I tried to fly off the front steps of our house. But I just landed in the middle of the shrubs, and got yelled at by my mother. Oh well, so much for special powers!

Here is my poem:

Amazing, powerful, back then,
I loved the heroes, oh yes!
I was but just a kid back then,
I loved to watch, oh yes!

I made a cape and wondered why,
with dreams inside my head.
I made a jumpand tried to fly, but broke a bush instead.

This one was quite challenging. First, it was hard just composing a ballad, which usually has four lines with the second and fourth rhyming (“why” and “fly”, as well as “head” and “instead”).

But then you had to use anaphora with word repetition at front of lines (“I loved” and “I made”), as well as epistrophe for word repetition at ends of lines (“back then” and “oh yes!”) too.

It was necessary to use two stanzas so I could get all that incorporated into the poem. But I think it finally came together fairly well.

It thought it would be interesting to learn more about poetry, so I am taking the Writing 201: Poetry course over the last two weeks of February. Let me know what you think, and comments are appreciated.

Photo credit: “Superman shield” by DC Comics, Inc. A subsidiary of Warner Bros. Discovery (c)2015., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons