I Write Because ...

I write because . . .

  1. I want to share my life experiences and interests with others.
  2. I can examine and understand my ideas, memories, thoughts, and feelings.
  3. I love to listen to music and hope readers will also enjoy my playlists, albums, videos, and links.
  4. I have started to explore photography more and this enables me to think about what what I have seen that my photos capture.
  5. I can show and describe places from my travel where I go because it offers something that my followers might like too.
  6. I like reading books, blogs, and web sites, and writing provides an opportunity to convey and explain what I discover.
  7. I want to explore recipes and cooking as I focus on more healthy choices to help me control my diabetes.
  8. I am able to organize links for topics that will be useful for blog readers to find or learn more about an article.
  9. I enjoy the social interaction that comments and feedback provide from those reading and listening to my blog.
  10. I like the diverse ways blogging  has helped me to live better.

I hope you enjoy my blog and follow these daily writing assignments and other posts. Thanks for visiting today.

This was the Day 1 assignment “I Write Because . . .” for the Blogging U. course Writing 101: Finding Everyday Inspirationwhich provides writing prompts to “cultivate a daily writing habit and find inspiration in unexpected places”.