Blog Badges

Blogging University

I participated in these Blogging University courses sponsored by staff. Blogging 101 (Zero to Hero) helps you get grounded in blogging basics. Blogging 201 (Branding and Growth) enables you to focus your blog and grow your audience. Photo 101 is a photo-a-day introductory course. Writing 201: Poetry is an introductory course on poetry.

Blogging 101
Zero to Hero
(Sep 2014)

Blogging U.
Blogging 201
Branding and Growth
(Oct 2014)
Blogging U.
Photo 101
A Photo a Day
(Nov 2014)
Blogging U.
Blogging 201
Branding and Growth
(Feb 2015)
Blogging U.
Writing 201: Poetry
(Feb 2015)

Writing 101
(Apr 2015)


Other Challenges

Also, I participated in National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) sponsored by during November 2014. The goal of NaBloPoMo is for participants to write a post a day for an entire month.